After almost three years Suzanne returns to the NY/NJ/CT tri-state area with three of her most popular workshop topics.

September 15, 9-5:  From Maddening to Maturity:  Understanding and Helping the Adolescent Dog
This workshop is designed for anyone who deals with adolescent dogs (aged 4 months to 4 years), their reactivity, impulsivity and the challenges of adolescence.  Her Relationship Centered Training™ (RCT) approach to adolescents focuses on three areas of the teenage dog’s life:  relationship with handler; social life (other people, dogs & animals); and life skills (self control, basic manners, coping skills).  For each area, we will explore ways to assess each dog’s strengths and limits, how the handler can support the dog, what skills need to be developed, and how to recognize problems that must be addressed.

September 15, 6:30-9 pm:  The Enriched Puppy:  Creating Connected, Confident, Competent and Coordinated Canines
Suzanne’s program for early puppy development:  for breeders; for anyone raising, training or interested in raising puppies birth to 16 weeks; and for anyone interested in learning about how environment and social enrichment affects a puppy’s development. This evening lecture offers practical ideas for environmental and social enrichment aimed at helping puppies become the best they can be, including detailed information on development of the puppy brain, body, reflexes and social behavior.

September 16, 9-5:  What’s the Problem?  Solving the Puzzle of Behavior, Training and Performance
Emphasis on understanding how to tease apart the contributing factors to any issue, and practical approaches and solutions.
An exciting new seminar from Suzanne Clothier that provides attendees with a practical and powerful way of looking at any behavior, training or performance problem, and figuring out what to do.  This systematic approach to unraveling the puzzle will help any handler, novice or expert, identify the areas that need attention, recognize training methods that are effective, and understand their dog as a physical, emotional and mental being.

Registration Information: https://www.siriuspositivedogtraining.com/events.

IAABC CEUs available.


Starts On

September 15, 2018

Ends On

September 16, 2018


