This two-day seminar will dispel the long-held myth that Separation Anxiety in dogs is untreatable. Separation Anxiety can wreak havoc on both dogs and their guardians. The dog’s suffering is obvious with every heart-wrenching howl, yet we can’t forget about the deep worry and frustration guardians experience as well. Whether it’s destruction to the home, costly vet bills due to injury, or complaints from neighbors, tensions run high when dealing with this condition. It is estimated that at least 17 percent of dogs in the United States suffer from separation anxiety, and we are seeing new figures that indicate the number may be much higher. As with most behavior challenges, separation anxiety does not have a “quick fix.” However, successful treatment is simple in many ways and help is available for trainers and guardians. With advances in technology, new types of support, and a structured approach, it’s now possible to resolve even the most severe cases of separation anxiety. This seminar is open to guardians and training professionals. You will learn: The key components of successful Separation Anxiety case resolution How to incorporate simple new technologies to make the work quicker and more accurate (no “tech savvy” required) How to set up training plans and create the proper environment in which the guardian and their dog can work constructively What clients can expect and how to work closely with professionals to successfully resolve the issue


Starts On

February 25, 2017

Ends On

February 26, 2017


Redondo Beach

Redondo Beach
United States
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