Are you a helicopter dog parent? Is your relationship with your dog about “training” or “teaching”? Whether you’re a seasoned trainer or an everyday pet owner, this interactive workshop will challenge you to re-evaluate how you relate to your dog. In this seminar participants will have a chance to work with dogs and interact with Wolf Park’s foxes and even the wolves as we move away from micro-management to building a trusting partnership that’s fun for both the person and the animal. Bond-building – falling in love… Is “obedience” what it’s all about? Building a safety history with your dog. Moving from competition to cooperation. Skill-building – teaching step by step. Picking up the pieces from a fractured relationship. Come join us and learn from the experiences and expertise of Wolf Park staff and our knowledge of relationship-building with wild canids. You will also have the ability to learn from the animals’ themselves and have the opportunity to visit and spend time in their air space on multiple occasions during the weekend. The cost for the weekend is $495. This price includes 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches and one dinner. There are reasonably priced hotels nearby. Earn CEUs by attending this seminar!


Starts On

March 10, 2017

Ends On

March 12, 2017



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Battle Ground
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