APDT International

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After nearly a month of public voting, January’s APDT National Train Your Dog Month Facebook contest finds this year’s Best Behaved Dog

Greenville, SC, March 14, 2013 — The votes are in and the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) is excited to announce Hayllo, the 4-month-old Siberian Husky, as the winner in their search for 2013’s Best Behaved Dog. In honor of APDT’s National Train Your Dog Month, trainers and pet owners alike were invited to submit a short video on the Association’s Facebook page showing why their dog deserved the title of ‘Best Behaved Dog.’ Kristen Ynares, the contest winner’s owner, submitted a five-minute video demonstrating her dog Hayllo’s abilities, ranging from the basics like sit and leave it to more complicated tricks like playing dead and catching on command. To commend their efforts, the Association awarded Ynares with a Kindle Fire HD and Hayllo earned the title of Best Behaved Dog.

“We were thrilled to see so many people taking the initiative to train their dogs and participate in our contest,” said Mychelle Blake, Chief Executive Officer of APDT. “We thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of the entries, but Hayllo demonstrated such impressive training for her age and specifically for that breed of dog, that we had to honor her above the rest.”

The contest was conducted in three phases. The first phase was an open submission, the second was judging by the Association who then took the top contenders and initiated the third phase of a public vote among five finalists.

National Train Your Dog Month was created by APDT to focus on the importance of socialization and training while also showing the public that teaching dogs can be easy and fun. Training yields confidence in pets and the Association’s motivation behind National Train Your Dog Month is to help all pet parents get the most out of their four-legged family member. This year’s Best Behaved Dog contest was aimed toward motivating dog owners to participate and enhance their relationship with their pet. By promoting positive, science-based training that focuses on improving the bond between dogs and humans, the APDT hopes they can help stop the amount of dogs turned in to shelters for behavior issues caused by a lack of training.

For more information on National Train Your Dog Month or 2013’s Best Behaved Dog, visit www.facebook.com/nationaltrainyourdogmonth or www.TrainYourDogMonth.com. For more information on the APDT visit www.apdt.com.

About APDT: Founded in 1993, the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) is a professional organization of nearly 6,000 trainers who are committed to becoming better trainers through education. APDT’s primary mission is to represent and advance the dog training profession through education and advocacy while increasing public awareness of dog friendly training techniques. www.apdt.com

Mandy Roberts
Marketing, Communications & Project Manager
Email: mandy.roberts@apdt.com

The APDT works with Matrix Partners for our public and media relations: Ashlee Gonigam 773-414-4521, agonigam@matrix1.com

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